Knitting sets

For your children's first knitting experiences, we offer thick sheep wool dyed in different colors and childrens knitting needles. You may also want to try our sock knitting set (instructions included). For our wool/silk yarn we have conceived a manual for a triangular shawl where you need exactly 100g of yarn. Our manuals for knitted animals are very simple and even appropriate for children. We always use stuffing wool of the same color as the knitting yarn, so that no white wool shines through the animal's body. Our crochet flower set includes a bamboo crochet hook for you to get started right away! Care for a beanie? Crocheting is made easy with our thick single yarn and size 12 crochet hook. The instructions are very understandable and always work. Our owl crocheting set is something for owl fans. You can use the finished owls as decoration or as an egg cozy.

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Liable: Peter Filges

Wollmanufaktur Filges
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Email: mail[at]
Webdesign: schultz' buero

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