Wool from Filges -
    sustainable & beautiful!

Since more than 30 years Wollmanufaktur Filges delivers high-quality goods throughout the world! Our products are marketed through specialized trade only, e.g. via important companies like Hans Natur, Waschbärenversand, Echtkind and many others. But also organic shops and crafts shops are part of our clientele. We are happy to assist you in finding a seller near to you. Have a good time looking around on our website ...


Aktuelle Öffnungszeiten:

Sie erreichen uns Montags - Donnerstag von 9:00 - 14:00 Uhr...

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Legal Details

Liable: Peter Filges

Wollmanufaktur Filges
Otto-Hahn-Straße 5 | 49134 Wallenhorst | Germany | Tel: 05407 - 3489 444
Email: mail[at]wollmanufaktur-filges.de
Webdesign: schultz' buero

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The contents and works shown on this website are protected by copyright. Any use not authorized by German copyright law needs prior written consent from the copyright owners. Any trademarks named on this website that, as the case may be, are protected by third parties, are entirely subject to the provisions of the respective trademark law and to the ownership rights of the respective registered owner. Photography: Manfred Pollert