Our play cloths are made from 100 % kbT wool fabric. We buy this fabric by the meter and tailor it to different sizes to make play cloths for toy stands, cloths for costuming and season shawls. We also use it to produce wonderfully smooth scarfs. The fabric itself can be purchased non-colored and by the meter. Our wool plush's pile is made from 100 % kbT wool while the back is made from 100 % kbA cotton (knitted).
Liable: Peter Filges
Wollmanufaktur Filges
Otto-Hahn-Straße 5 | 49134 Wallenhorst |
Germany | Tel: 05407 - 3489 444
Email: mail[at]wollmanufaktur-filges.de
Webdesign: schultz' buero
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Photography: Manfred Pollert