General Terms and Conditions


Delivery time is usually 2-4 weeks. In particular cases and during seasonal peak times (i.e. Christmas and Easter), it may be longer. Orders are binding and need to be passed in writing or through this website. We reserve the right to send partial shipments. If the client wishes for partial shipments, postage will be charged for each shipment.

Written complaints

need to be made within 7 days. Mottled colors or colors that differ from the product description constitute no grounds for a written complaint. Returns may only be made after prior consultation. Goods returned to us carriage forward cannot be accepted. Carding- and dyeing services as well as custom-made products cannot be returned.


If second hand items are ordered and these are not in stock, we automatically deliver top quality, unless the client expressly disclaims the merchandise.

In the event of ordered products being returned, we have to charge a handling fee of 5 EUR plus portage.


Terms of payment: Full payment generally has to be made within 10 days. The minimum net order amount is 200,00 EUR. For new clients payment in advance only. For orders below the minimum order amount we charge a markup for small-volume purchases of 10,00 EUR. If payment is made by direct debit (B2B), we allow for 2 % cash discount (except for schools and kindergardens). If the net order amount is below 100,00 EUR, no cash discount can be granted even if payment is made by direct debit.


The packing units (PUs) and minimum weights (e.g. 500g) must be respected. If the PUs are not respected, we are entitled to increase the quantity of the goods. Postage and packaging are paid by the recipient. Shipment is made against invoice and at the recipient's risk.

In the event of any typing errors occuring in our price list, these are not binding. The latest price list has exclusive validity. A new price list renders all earlier price lists obsolete.

Schools and kindergardens are only supplied against payment by direct debit. New clients and foreign clients are only supplied against prepayment.

The first reminder is free of charge, for each following reminder we have to charge 6,00 EUR plus sales tax. In the event of several reminders becoming necessary or the client refusing to pay the dunning charge, we usually put an end to the business relation.

When placing an order, the client accepts our terms of delivery. Deviating terms of delivery or payment must be agreed upon in writing beforehand by both parties.

When ordering from outside Germany, the customer has to bear the costs for clearance as well as any possible banking charges.

All prices are calculated in euros and exclude sales tax.

The goods remain our property until paid in full by the client. We assume no responsibility for wrong use of our products.

Do you have anyquestions?

Please contact us!

Wollmanufaktur Filges
Otto-Hahn-Straße 5
49134 Wallenhorst

Telefon: 05407 - 3489444
Fax: 05407 - 3489445

Legal Details

Liable: Peter Filges

Wollmanufaktur Filges
Otto-Hahn-Straße 5 | 49134 Wallenhorst | Germany | Tel: 05407 - 3489 444
Email: mail[at]
Webdesign: schultz' buero

We have no inflence on the current and future design or content of linked websites and assume no responsibility for contents that are out of our sphere of responsibility and that can be reached from this website via a hyperlink.

The contents and works shown on this website are protected by copyright. Any use not authorized by German copyright law needs prior written consent from the copyright owners. Any trademarks named on this website that, as the case may be, are protected by third parties, are entirely subject to the provisions of the respective trademark law and to the ownership rights of the respective registered owner. Photography: Manfred Pollert