About Us

We founded our family enterprise in 1985. In the beginning, we only ran a small manual spinning plant and our wool combing works. Then we added our plant color dyeing mill. The principles that rule our personal life also apply in the manufactoring and distribution of our products: We want to use and to produce sustainable, ecological and emission-free products. Since 1995 we are a Bioland-certified manufacturer of sheep wool, since 2015 we are a member of the IVN (Internationaler Verband der Naturtextilwirtschaft, International Association of Natural Textiles). Our wool comes exclusively from sheeps raised in certified organic animal husbandry in Germany. Our dyes are plant-based. For mordants we use alum and tartar.

Enjoy the naturalness of our products as we do!

Katrin and Peter Filges

Company History

  • 1985 | Founding of Filges' Manual Spinning Plant
  • 1991 | Purchase of our first carding machine
  • 1994 | Opening of our shop in Steinhagen
  • 1996 | Bioland-certification
  • 1998 | Removal of the dyeing mill to the Eco-Tec-Park
  • 1998 | Renaming to Wollmanufaktur Filges ("Wool Factory Filges")
  • 2007 | Inauguration of the manufacturing plant in Wallenhorst


Do you have any questions? To get into contact with us, send an Email with your own mail client or use the following form. (For safety reasons some characters or patterns are not allowed).

Legal Details

Liable: Peter Filges

Wollmanufaktur Filges
Otto-Hahn-Straße 5 | 49134 Wallenhorst | Germany | Tel: 05407 - 3489 444
Email: mail[at]wollmanufaktur-filges.de
Webdesign: schultz' buero

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